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Hey there changemaker!

I’m Tiyana J, founder of the Humanitarian Changemakers Network (HCN). New Humanity is a coaching platform for the HCN community, seeking to create conscious leaders and more mindful social movements, to cultivate peace and bring about heart-centred change.

My core pillars




After over a decade working in the social change space, I’ve seen how changemakers are becoming increasingly burnt-out, stressed, making sacrifices in their life, and putting their work before their own self care, peace, and joy. I’ve been there myself. 

I get it, when your purpose is tied to something greater than yourself, it can seem selfish to put your own needs before your mission of serving others. But the truth is, we can do BOTH… you can prioritise your own wellbeing and desires while working to make the world a better place. 

Through a combination of mindset shifts and strategies to simplify your work, you can begin to live consciously and in alignment with your truth, move beyond the burnout culture of the world of social change, and increase your impact while serving from a place of peace and joy. I’m here to show you how I’ve done it!

My job, as a coach for changemakers, is to guide you to live your life and serve humanity in a way that is most authentic to yourself and your truth. That’s going to look different for everyone. What’s important to me is that your lifestyle works for you, so that you can focus on enjoying your life, and making a real impact in the world. 

Tiyana’s approach

Conscious Living

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to being a changemaker, we have to live consciously and in alignment with our own truth, while making the world a better place.


An ongoing education is an essential part of the change-making journey, to keep up with an ever-changing world. I’ll show you how to foster a love for both formal education and non-formal learning


I’m not here to give you more mindset and strategy tools; I’m here to help you be more efficient and effective through simplifying your mindset and strategies.


Sometimes, one of the biggest things holding us back is ourself. Our fear, perfectionism, and ego get in the way of having real impact, and the only way to overcome this is by taking bold aligned action!

My core coaching pillars



This is all about your SELF. As changemakers, we must know how to bring our work into alignment with our personal values, passions, and purpose, to feel happier and more fulfilled in our work and ultimately have more impact. 



This is all about your WORK. Changemakers need to master both mindset and strategy to have a real impact as leaders in the social change space. (This is the part where I get super nerdy!)



This is all about your WELL-BEING. You are the fundamental unit of change, and if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be an effective changemaker! (We’re talking well-being in the holistic sense— health, wealth, freedom, & community!)

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